I really need to pass along the award I received.

Sorry. I'm working night shift this week and my transition from days/afternoons to night (11pm to 7am) has been less than ideal.... Actually, it's been horrible! I will be so relieved on Thursday when I am officially finished with this month, not to mention the fact that I'll be finished with nights!
I think I might sleep for 2 days just because I can. Mmmmm.....sleep....zzzzzz......
WHAT? Huh? Oh. Sorry...
Ok. On to the task at hand.
The first person I would like to award is my sweet sweet friend Todd. We became friends the first week of med school but it took us about 6 months to realize we had actually interviewed together! I don't know how many hours we spent talking and laughing and crying together the first 2 years of school. We're so much alike it's kind of scary; he admits I'm his long lost sister! He's one of the sweetest guys I know and definitely deserves a sweet award!
Secondly, I would like to award someone who probably doesn't know I read her blog quite as avidly as I do. Her photos are so incredible I can't go another day without acknowledging them!!! So Mrs Tam "TLJ" Jacobs gets a sweet award for her super sweet photos!
And finally, to a dear dear friend who is just weeks away from her first trip to Africa! I am so super excited for her trip and cannot wait to hear all about it as she heard all about mine when I was in Africa! So, my dear Annie Crannie, I award you for your sweet moves in getting yourself to Africa! You are a blessing every day and will be an incredible blessing to everyone you meet on your trip! Love you tons lady!
And now, I should sleep. Well, first I'm going to eat pancakes, then I'm going to sleep.
Soon I shall tell you all about the things I've learned in the ER this month..... oh the stories!!!

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