I know I'm old and kids these days have far better things to do than plan sleepovers for Friday nights after school, but I sometimes wish I could go back to those days. I miss making plans with a friend on Thursday at school and racing home that afternoon to beg my mom to let them come over on Friday after school!

I didn't often do a lot for my birthday, I'd usually invite 3 or 4 friends over for a slumber party because I loved having them! I usually picked some silly girly theme like Shirley Temple or Baby Doll or Horses and would rent a movie to go along with it.
I never got that pony I wanted as a kid, even though I did my best to convince my mom that the privately owned field behind our house was a perfect place to tie up my future horse, so I'm pretty sure I had at least 3 Horse-themed birthday parties not to mention all the slumber parties....
Admittedly, there hundreds of horse movies that I could have rented : Black Beauty, National Velvet, Seabiscuit, Man From Snowy River, and so many more.
Nonetheless, the only horse movie I ever wanted to rent was "Wild Hearts Can't be Broken". I have no real idea why this movie was so important to me, but I adored it!

Even now thinking about it, I get misty-eyed! Did you know it is based on a true story?

I was thinking about this movie today because there was a businessman in New Jersey trying to bring back horse diving to the Atlantic City Pier. His plans have officially fallen through due to animal welfare activists. It is a shame, I would have paid good money to go see it myself. C'est la vie.
I still keep my hopes up for another slumber party one day. We can invade the living room and Branden can sleep by himself in the bedroom :) I saw someone on facebook trying to get people to petition against horse diving and I completely thought of this movie! Branden has never seen it so it's going to be time bring back some memories and watch it again! (I completely expect to cry again too!)
Mags! We will definitely have to do that!!! It's official, I need to come to Ireland! And soooooon! I'll try to find a copy of Wild Hearts to bring with me haha!
I've given you an award today my dear!
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